Posts tagged #Diet

A High Fat Diet Reverses ALL Coronary Risk Factors

A High Fat Diet Reverses ALL coronary risk factors...why? This video presentation is a simple (and therefore, hopefully, easy to understand...let me know) update on some of the latest research backing up the already well known regarding vagaries of nutritional counseling. In the video, Dr Noakes shares a number of recent resources on this topic.

Take-home points:
  • Obesity is a brain disorder
  • Obesity has specific causes from our modern diet
  • Diabetes is compounded by the same dietary conditions
  • FOLLOW THE MONEY to see why our current food supply has changed
  • Gliaden/gluten in wheat may be the cause of a wide range of chronic diseases with currently unknown causes
  • A High Fat diet reverses ALL coronary risk factors
  • Lipid count is unrelated to your risk of heart disease
  • Examples of a high fat diet changing bodies
And more.....

Did you open the infographics from Lifestyle Modification Support's Welcome page? Most of them are specifically related to this topic, such as and

You might also want to investigate Leaky Gut Syndrome further ...

A great place to get started on cooking and eating truly healthier .... enjoy a peek at Theresa Niccassio's website, YUM at:

See the resources:

Davis, William (2011). The Wheat Belly. Can also read more from several places: and to get you started!

Noakes, Tim (2014). The Real Meal Revolution. Enjoy this link to his book:  retrieved from

Rothberg, MB. (2013). Coronary artery disease as clogged pipes: A misconceptual model; from Circulation: Cardiovascular Quality and Outcomes; 6: 129-132.

Teicholz, Nina (2014). The Big Fat Surprise. Information can also be retrieved from


Posted on February 11, 2016 and filed under discussions, Research studies.