Posts filed under mission statements

How We Survived

Photo by estt/iStock / Getty Images

How We Survived


Today’s hunt nearly cost us our two youngest stalkers, the promise of tomorrow lives in their strength and cunning. We have been without sufficient food for two days. How much longer can the young ones be convinced to share any harvest with all of us? I can only hope the gatherers succeeded in discovering a good supply of roots or our families may not remain alive to see another full year.


Astounding to imagine what survival entailed on a day to day basis in the formative years of our species’ evolution. Yet survive our species did, or we would not be overrunning the planet today. Was it merely persistence and blind luck? There are many theories; however, there is consensus that our intelligence assisted in our ability to learn from mistakes and discover what foods were the easiest and safest to rely upon to awaken to another day….by day …by day.

What if we had insisted on eating food-like substances with little or no nutrient value, would we have succeeded to the degree we realise now? When early hominids consistently ate lesser quality substances, they tended to sicken, starve or weaken so much so that their care became a burden. Some of these unfortunates did manage to reproduce, but courtship rituals for early hominids had to be much like all mammals reproduction rites: a display of the traits most likely to provide success for the offspring. In our case, physical prowess is vital but equally so, applied intelligence still stands strong.

Correct or not, the fact of our present survival insists that our sentience played an important role. This utilisation of problem-solving, memory, and experimentation is the outstanding feature of our species that we believe guides our choices even now. Without diving too deep into future conjecture, this article is to open discussion on the purpose of Lifestyle Modification Support’s choice of health articles. Because, in order to sustain our species’ survival record, we surely cannot leave behind all practical use of our intelligence!

Oxford Dictionaries defines intelligence as “the ability to acquire and apply knowledge and skills” (Oxford Dictionaries, 2015). Thus, the popularity of books, periodicals, videos, blogs and social media reflects our inherent appetite for knowledge. You might object that such mediums do not necessarily lend any credible information. Acquiring knowledge certainly requires astute discrimination of the source of information. Whether the information is empirically derived or the product of an active imagination lends further cred to its long-term usefulness. I have heard some argue that knowledge is useless if misunderstood or simply not applied.

Services page link

About page link

With all these implicit parameters embracing Lifestyle Modification Support’s intentions, the goal and purpose of all the health articles available in our website are to assist the individual with a steady source of defining research on balanced lifestyle, especially in the area of choosing Real nutrition to support your body’s intelligent chemical homeostasis. When you are healthy, your future and that of those relying on you is secured. Many readers are educated and practiced at application of knowledge; others require support. Please know that Lifestyle Modification Support is available to answer your individual questions; to speak or write for your educational events; and/or to provide professional advocacy/guidance on a case by case basis. The Services page and the About page offer contact details.



Oxford Dictionaries (2015). Intelligence, retrieved from:

Posted on November 17, 2015 and filed under janet's writing, discussions, mission statements.

Break Your Sugar Addiction in 10 Days (Infographic)

Do you have a sweet tooth? Most of us will overindulge at times. But the more sugar we consume, the more we want, says Mark Hyman, MD. However, the good news is that people can break the sugar addiction in 10 days. Here's how.

Source: Break Your Sugar Addiction in 10 Days (Infographic) | Health Essentials from Cleveland Clinic

Break Your Sugar Addiction in 10 Days (Infographic)

May 21, 2015 / By Family Health Team

How to break your #sugar addiction in 10 days. #infographic
How to break your #sugar addiction in 10 days. #infographic

Do you have a sweet tooth? Most of us will overindulge at times. But the more sugar we consume, the more we want, says Mark Hyman, MD. However, the good news is that people canbreak the sugar addiction in 10 days. Here’s how.

How to break your #sugar addiction in 10 days. #infographic
How to break your #sugar addiction in 10 days. #infographic

What Eating 40 Teaspoons of Sugar a Day Can Do to You

“That Sugar Film” takes a look at what happens when you give up fresh foods for sugar-laden processed foods.

Source: What Eating 40 Teaspoons of Sugar a Day Can Do to You - The New York Times

Please open the above links to see That Sugar Film's website chock full of information vital to rebalancing your health! and to read the full article from the New York Times. Also check out LMS Welcome page link to Dr Hyman's plan to break your sugar addiction in 10 days.

"THIS is what I'm talking about...." ~janet



brought to Lifestyle Modification Support by janet's Eye On the Media 

Posted on August 18, 2015 and filed under discussions, information, mission statements, resources, visions.

- One Billion Rising Revolution

- One Billion Rising Revolution.

Guess what I am talking about again?One Billion Rising!

Get Up! Stand Up for Ending Violence Against Women! Dance and Sing and Celebrate our right to joy and self-empowerment... to speak of our right and to use the fullness of our power in speaking. Please check out the site and watch the top video and any/all the videos on the site. The music and the beautiful faces telling their story is inspiring and promising...joyful truly.

One Billion Rising was the biggest mass action to end violence against women in human history.

The campaign began as a call to action based on the staggering statistic that 1 in 3 women on the planet will be beaten or raped during her lifetime.

With the world population at 7 billion, this adds up to more than one billion women and girls.

~One Billion Rising for justice. Join the world in rising up.

Posted on November 9, 2014 and filed under discussions, information, janet's writing, mission statements, resources, visions.

Six Simple Numbers photo-1-Version-5As Obama implores, we need to stop Ebola at its source in order to truly end this dangerous threat.


I will share a video story at the bottom of this post to illustrate the difference between Nigeria and Liberia as far as potential to eradicate the deadly Ebola virus.


This very brief article, Six Surprising Numbers, states plainly some very simple needs that would not even take that many of us to help fulfill the desperate situation in Liberia... for, my friends, they have almost nothing with which to fight this disease!

Six numbers....six things to give to keep not just strangers in a strange land keep your loved ones safe too.  


Please also open this additional link [ ] to scroll down for the video of BBC's Gabriel Gatehouse traveling with a Liberian ambulance crew picking up Ebola victims. The article is titled Ebola Outbreak: Cases pass 10,000 WHO reports. But the video...scroll down to the fourth picture you see and click the arrow to open the a live-wire experience riding with the ambulance crew and visiting the only Ebola doctor in Liberia. Nothing can more plainly describe the desperate situation than the actual images of what is happening right now.


If you cannot bear to watch...please listen to it. Then you will understand why I am sharing the very simple list above of just six things we can contribute to help Liberia stop the rapid onslaught of Ebola within their borders.


Posted on October 25, 2014 and filed under information, janet's writing, mission statements, resources, visions.

Susun Weed's Herbal Infusion Class

Wise Woman UniversityChecking out "Lesson One and Assignments" on Wise Woman University: A few of you have been slowly working through Susun Weed's Herbal Infusion Class with me. I just added some reflections on Lesson One, (in the Lesson One forum-see link above), which I spent over a year working through. If you are unfamiliar with the class, there is no time limit, no cost other than supplying your own ingredients and supplies to accomplish the lessons, and the class is always open so far. Since the class is online and includes a group forum that stays fairly active, there is always someone to talk to and share your results and lessons, triumphs and muddles.

 Susun Weed even chimes in from time to time to comment on the  ongoing discussions. For me, this was a great way to have some direction in increasing and maintaining my experience with utilizing herbal medicine/food in my life. And because I have relied on Susun's wisdom, knowledge, and experience for much of my adult life when it comes to practical uses of herbs in my daily life, I welcomed the opportunity to "play" as it were in the field of her creative mind by going along with her lessons the way she purposefully set them up.

If you are experiencing any difficulty figuring out how to get included in this particular class, send me an email or comment on this post and I will happily send you a direct invite from the class. There are many classes offered at the Wise Woman University, most require a payment. This is an exceptional opportunity to check out what all there is to learn from Susun and the many experts she collaborates with ...for free. The website/university has many types of forums that one can be part of once you are in the class and many informative Webinars are going on all year, also for free usually. Expect the unusual and the creative and the very strongly supported feminine as well as practical and beneficial knowledge for all members of your family and community.  Remember to write "LMS question" in the subject line of your email message.

Posted on April 22, 2014 and filed under discussions, information, mission statements, resources.

Dr Susan Pacheco - Another Voice

beautiful beach ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Dr Susan Pacheco, a Pediatrician who has committed herself to working an even longer stretch of "the road" for her children by speaking up about an often forgotten piece of the climate change concern.... that of the health challenges documented, researched and validated as the result of  increasing environmental toxicity, and unaddressed by most "debaters" in this crisis. This is a touchy issue because who wants to say they support the profit of oil and other carbon-based products over the health and well being of innocent children? Yet to even write that bit about the debate over this crisis brings up yet another matter that Dr Susan Pacheco's lovely, intelligent and kind video touches quietly without words: that the argument is for argument's sake. Is it not? Else why argue the point, literally the gunpoint, staring one in the face? Things are a'changing here on this precious planet with seven million and counting humans pushing out the other species and spilling over our refuse into the environment in so many ways. What is there to argue with common sense that the fruitflies in the gel medium test tube are crowding one another so much that they have reached the height of their lifespan and population bell curve. Now the down swing of the bell curve begins. The weakest die off first. The question is: because we are sentient beings, could we make moves to alter the course? Could we create a self-sustainable environment? The question is not do we know how to create this however. The question really is: will we?

Please enjoy this link to Dr Susan Pacheco's brief but elegantly spoken and evocatively imaged video. 

Posted on January 29, 2014 and filed under discussions, information, janet's writing, mission statements, visions.

Will You Dance This Year?

Will you dance with us this year?

One Billion Rising

Last year on February 14, 2013, one billion people danced in 207 countries.... Yes, in 207 different countries, a wave of strength and courage empowered by universal love and the willingness to act to know, to do what is right and before one, to speak, laugh, cry, sing and to dance...a wave rose, swelled and swept across the globe in our hearts, minds, soul. This attached video (the One Billion Rising underlined above this paragraph) premiered at Sundance Film Festival January 19. The video is only nine minutes short chock full of rich action when we all danced around the world as One last year.


What is One Billion Rising? In the words of our organization, One Billion Rising is women and their friends, family, lovers and children stopping whatever they are doing and rising to dance in the name of ending violence everywhere NOW.  Vday or February 14 is our day of joy and Love. This is a rising up for justice in the form of calling out the act of violence going on behind doors and in broad daylight around the world daily. By dancing, we speak the unspoken yet loudly heard cry of pain of one billion abused and raped, unanswered by our seven billion in number family of humans. And we dance because this is our expression of freedom to speak and to live life without oppression by violence. Please follow the link to the One Billion Rising page and find out more about what is being done this year in your communities and around the world... and I sincerely invite you to join us in this beautiful full and inspired dance of freedom!


From please read some of the details about the strike, rise and dance for V-day this year.









Go to the website to learn how to participate in One Billion Rising this year on February 14. Lets end violence against women and girls Now, forever. Lets be the co-creators of a Golden Age where all are free to dance without fear or intimidation.

Wherever you are, it begins now.




Posted on January 21, 2014 and filed under discussions, information, janet's writing, mission statements, visions.

Laughter's Healing Power

 The Language of Laughter.....

"The power of laughter is a power for good. It raises the spirits, purifies the soul, testifies to tolerance, kills resentment, routs enmity, disrupts distrust, promotes understanding, makes all skins kin, puts Man “one up” on the beasts of the field and only one down on the gods of Olympus. It is the best peace propaganda known to civilisation, being more easily understood than Esperanto or “desperanto.” It says more with less expenditure of air than any other form of human expression."

[Author unknown, (1935). Laughter is the language of the world. In The New Zealand Railways Magazine 10 (6). Retrieved from: .]


attacked by a fishy!Laughter truly Is the language of the world. Imagine peace, imagine joy, imagine love. I hope you will join all of us that support and participate in the cause of laughter, the universal language. Discover the healing power of laughter.... slowly, if you must. Practice a tentative smile at passersby. Worry not about their reaction. The smile will stay with them and silently return upon their own face each time they ponder its meaning. Just imagining the act of a smile can awaken a surprising sense of joy within. Grin and tease your perceived opponents . . . . witness a slice of tension dissolve. Perhaps the dismissed tension is only in you, so be it! Is this not a great relief? Laughter adds objectivity, a moment of stepping back and reassessing the situation from a grander scale. And yet, laughter demands no such grandiose outcomes or motivation. Laughter simply provides pause; a grace barely mentioned in the intellectual debates, but a gift worthy of gold for its refreshing breeze of equanimity. If the world's denizens share this wordless understanding, then is this not evidence of laughter's transcendence beyond mental contentions? I, and many others, laughing in the stands, say this is more than evidence, this is just cause for further embellishment and abandoned release to laughter's healing power.
So much life! Love and laughter to you and yours, janet and family


Enjoy this delightful video of laughter lifting spirits at children's hospitals:

Laughter Is the Language of the World

[Click on the Laughter Is the Language of the World link.]


Resources for more groups that promote laughter and laughter's healing wisdom. May you live long and laugh forever!


Posted on November 16, 2013 and filed under discussions, mission statements, Quotes, visions.

One Billion Rising Short Film - YouTube

Keep this discussion going....

via One Billion Rising Short Film - YouTube.

This film may be hard to watch in the beginning, but it has a joyful finale` ...won't you please join us in making this finale` A REALITY...NOW?


...reading The New Midwifery (Page & McCandlish 2006) and how the "technocratic" system furthers the oppression of women, a subtle violence against women by silencing their voice, their right to have a say in their life. In so many aspects of life, we have choice but are unsupported to take it.


There is a One Billion Rising event happening near you February 14.... or you can start up your own. Please join us in dancing our truth that violence against women is not okay.


LEARN MORE ABOUT THIS EVENT.  Ask me or go to the webpage:

Posted on October 12, 2012 and filed under discussions, information, mission statements, resources, visions.

Love 1A

Too often we underestimate the power of touch, a smile, a kind word, a listening ear, an honest compliment, or the smallest act of caring, all of which have the potential to turn a life around. ~ Leo Buscaglia

Leo Buscaglia taught Love 1A at USC for many years and was one of the most popular speakers on PBS for years. His genuine expression of compassion and connection among all of us infected many souls and surely spread a great many smiles.

Posted on January 31, 2012 and filed under mission statements, Quotes, visions.

Counting Your Blessings: How Gratitude Improves Your Health

Happy Thanksgiving Day!


Many ways to look at counting one's blessings.... science supports its benefits through empirical observation and you know that when you stop and give a few moments to remembering all that you have versus all that you think you do not have, everything looks a little better, the "light at the end of the tunnel" is more easily visualized, and the not-have stuff is not all that big after all.

Take this day to set a matrix for every day.... to fill yourself up on universal selfless Love;

to let yourself Have It!

and to remember what in life is truly valuable. How much "stuff" do we need? when we have inner peace and contentment.

Much universal Love and many many blessings to you and yours today and all days from Lifestyle Modification Support and family.

Counting Your Blessings: How Gratitude Improves Your Health | CFIDS & Fibromyalgia Self-Help.

Posted on November 24, 2011 and filed under information, janet's writing, mission statements, Research studies, resources, visions.

climate change and health | Are You Ready? Experts Warn of 11 Climate-Related Health Threats | Rodale News

This article in Rodale offers some practical solutions to integrate into lifestyle Now to be ahead of the game for maintaining a balanced and healthy life through castrophes and natural or unnatural climate effects. climate change and health | Are You Ready? Experts Warn of 11 Climate-Related Health Threats | Rodale News.

Whether you want to believe climate change is real or not, these suggestions are easily implemented and will enhance for experience of life overall. Remember: fix the problem, not the blame.


Posted on September 14, 2011 and filed under discussions, information, mission statements.

Hello world!

Welcome to Lifestyle Modification Support!

We are just getting started as you can see. There will be format and design changes, of course. But the primary focus is to get started with articles to provide resources and information to support your chosen lifestyle modifications to grow a contented whole you.

Topics will span a diverse world of holistic viewpoint in wellness, including but not limited to: the latest research and concepts in whole nutrition as well as traditional and proven nutritional wisdoms; alternative and complementary therapies for common physical complaints as well as discussion of new health concerns and options in care and treatment; investigation of ancient and modern healing modalities; global viewpoints in health care; historical reviews of healthy whole agriculture as well as new innovations in holistic self-sustainable agriculture.... to get us started!

I look forward to networking with community leaders and innovators in holistic health care and providing links to those providers and businesses that support successful lifestyle modification.

So how is this for an opening statement? Remember life, love, laughter as you proceed through the gift of you each day.

I am respectfully,

Janet Still, FNP-BC

Posted on August 25, 2009 and filed under information, janet's writing, mission statements.