Local Health and Balance

Local Health and Balance:

The Encinitas Farmers Market happens every Sunday from 10AM to 2PM at the Paul Ecke Elementary School grounds on Union Street in Leucadia.

Produce is mostly organic or non-sprayed; diverse vendors create sumptuous International cuisine using ingredients from the local suppliers; music fills the air; children laugh in the playground; arts and crafts and unusual local products are offered.

The atmosphere is festive, colourful, and it is always crowded. There is plenty of dining space and the grounds are well kept. All in all, a beautiful Farmers Market to stay in tune and balanced through local consumption.

O thank heaven for summer!
Posted on July 28, 2011 and filed under information, resources.

9 Ways Humor Can Heal

More Alternative Health Methods:

9 Ways Humor Can Heal.

Laughing is one of my favorite ways to relieve stress. Preparing for my interview with Barry Jones, Comedy Hypnotist, I started looking up research and stories on comedy and healing. What a fun topic this was to pursue! I am still chuckling and giggling to myself.

Look for the interview coming soon in the Featured Healers section of Lifestyle Modification Support.


And follow that article with this one from The National Library of Medicine of the NIH, documentation of laughter curing cancer! .................

Jpn Hosp. 2010 Jul;(29):59-64.

A case of laughter therapy that helped improve advanced gastric cancer.


Noji Clinic. satoru_noji@msn.com


We have reported the case of a patient diagnosed as having advanced gastric cancer at the age of 88 years old. An endoscopy revealed a type-2 gastric cancer of 25 x 30 mm in the lesser curvature of the middle stomach body and an IIa gastric cancer with T2 SS and cardiac accessory lesions. Both the type-2 and IIa lesions were defined as tub1 with surrounding atrophic gastritis and entero-epithelium metaplastic carcinoma. Considering the patient's age and her desire not to receive cancer treatment, we prescribed laughter therapy as recommended by the Society for Healing Environment. The program was implemented in a laughter-inducing environment and consisted of five stages: (1) Making the patient feel safe, (2) Relaxing the patient, (3) Increasing the effectiveness, (4) Improving her condition and (5) Increasing her joy of living. One year and seven months later, an endoscopy of the lesser curvature of the middle stomach body indicated that the lesions clearly improved with a morphological reduction into IIa + IIc masses. A tissue biopsy revealed that nucleus abnormality clearly improved from the initial diagnosis, with no irregularity in size. The suspected lesion was localized to a limited area near the stomach wall. Although partial gastric adenocarcinoma was suspected, the cancers turned into gastric adenoma, atrophic gastritis, and enteroepithelium metaplastic carcinoma. Now, five years after the initial diagnosis, she maintains a good condition. Laughter, one of our casual behaviors, has the effect of reducing the stress experienced by the human body. Laughter is expected to become alternative medicine in the future, and we hope to see more reports and evidence on soothing therapies using laughter.

[PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
Posted on July 20, 2011 and filed under discussions, visions.

Menopause - Wise Woman Way - Menopausal changes: premenopause, menopause, postmenopause - Susun Weed

Community Responds: 

Menopause - Wise Woman Way - Menopausal changes: premenopause, menopause, postmenopause - Susun Weed.

Received some feedback on the subject today from several circles, so I will be certain to add additional enlightening articles on alternatives and balanced options for menopause.

I will also endeavor to put together a resource review for all of you that are looking at this new experience in woman's power and wisdom as soon as possible. There are so many creative and individual ways to address this phase of our lives, turning the changes into the freedom that our age deserves to enjoy!

Meanwhile, check out Susan Weed's faq page and resource list on Menopause's stages by clicking on the title link above.


Posted on July 18, 2011 and filed under discussions, information, resources, visions.