Learn to Relax again any moment of the day

Because most in our modern society rarely give their breathing 'the time of day' and breathing being the primary act of physical life and health, I thought I would share this lovely video by The Breath Source. 🩻🩺
In our fast-paced modern world, we tend to breathe in short rapid bursts, especially when in front of a computer or while perusing the internet via a device. What we are doing when we do that is stimulating our sympathetic nervous system...which kicks in the fight or flight response! 🧐😮

While there are certainly times that we need that level of energy output, we must balance it with the rest and relaxation response, by initiating our parasympathetic response. ⚖️
Or- - -live with the consequences of wearing down our body's health over the years. In what way? difficulty falling to sleep at night or staying asleep, not sleeping deeply enough to wake refreshed; developing anxiety or other nervous conditions; wear and tear on our immune system; hypertension; and many other conditions have been linked to an overactive nervous system.❤️‍🩹

I chose this breathing exercise video because, he does a good job of keeping it simple, and leading you through it effortlessly enough that you do not have to keep your eyes open, if you prefer.

Click on this link below to go to the video.

The Breath Source

Posted on June 28, 2023 .