Everyone's questions & concerns continue to be about diet and what food actually makes mind clear and what foods actually give the body abundant energy. In keeping with Lifestyle Modification Support's focus to give You the tools and most up-to-date resources you need to stay on top of Your World, balanced and whole on every level that you desire, Lifestyle Modification Support shares the Real News on Nutrition today.

A renaissance is underway in research. Advances in technology expand our ability to explore and rediscover what we thought we knew about food. New studies are raising the bar in methodologies chosen to evaluate findings. The conclusions magnify the why-and-when-and-where of this sudden, (in evolutionary timing), appearance of widespread obesity, diabetes and other metabolic disorders, as well as the rise of cancer-the-super-villain's apparent invincibility. Contemporary news around the world is discovering that people are questioning the motives behind mass-marketing of processed foods. And meanwhile, universities, individual doctorates, and real people are simply insisting on living honestly healthy lives....and talking about it! Check out some of this on our blog's top story today via: http://www.stilljanet.com/blog/

The pages of Lifestyle Modification Support already share many resources on how to get linked in to the ever-advancing (and quite exciting!) science of nutrition as it unfolds right now. The webpages of Lifestyle Modification Support will continue to expand and reorganise the resources, the research, and the Real Opportunity that all this increased knowledge Is for You. You are invited to keep checking in and, as always, keep those questions coming!

Some of my current favourites in the blog right now are:

Why You Want To Break Your Sugar Addiction

Protect Your Gut For Your Gut Protects You

Our World If We Taught It How To Eat


Click on these pics (below) to navigate to quickies for your eating cheatsheets!

Use the Welcome page picture links above for the latest focus of quick down-n-dirty posts on losing weight healthily

Go straight to the Blog link above the banner to read Janet Still MSN FNP's latest discussions on balancing health.

"Food for Thought" and reconsidering... Check out the LMS blog on How We Survived

All photos are taken by Janet Still [©jstill] unless otherwise noted in the caption. Thank you for citing the source of any photos you copy.

Great post! sharing the latest experts' advice on nutrition -  Imagine our world if we taught it how to eat by Dr Melissa Walton-Shirley