What Food Manufacturers Don’t Want You To Know

healthy family 3
healthy family 3

http://www.greenmedinfo.com/blog/what-food-manufacturers-don-t-want-you-know-pantry-principle GreenMedInfo reviews a few of the dangerous ingredients commonly used in processed food today and described in the book, The Pantry Principle, by Mira Dessy (2013). If you are like some folk, the term "processed foods" has little meaning. Let me be specific: processed food refers to convenience food or as wikipedia writes, "tertiary processed food"...in other words, someone else made it and sold it to you in a package usually, and/or often made the item from packaged ingredients. The idea became popular, in the 60s pretty much, when women started "leaving home" to add to the income of their families by taking work outside of housework. Nowadays people have come to prefer food made by strangers, as I call it.  There is an insidious reason for that preference.  And the reasoning has been purposefully thought out and manifested by those profiting from sales of processed food. But the important thing for you is how the heck do I know what is healthy and what isn't???

I was surprised and pleased to read the Collins'  Dictionary definition: "foods that have been treated or prepared by a special method, especially in order to preserve them; Pure food is safer and more filling than processed food <and>diets high in refined and processed foods." (Collins 2014). This preservation has taken extreme direction in our modern world, traveling from the innovative idea of keeping food through the winter months to now providing food with shelf life of many many years. Why don't we notice that the food we eat has lost its nutritive value and its native flavours? That which makes processed food remain looking good! baby! also includes ingredients meant to distract us from the lack of nutrition by creating addiction to the food-like substance. Why I use the word, insidious, is that ultimately the outcome of making processed food your primary source of nutrition is not pretty...not pretty at all. 

Mira Dessy spells out very easy to understand principles to update your thinking on how to be healthy, how to actually lose weight, and how to feel good again about your body... and I say, if you feel good about your body because it is healthy, you do feel good about life, about living. The GreenMedInfo article quickly shares some particular "uh-ohs" to watch for on labels. I hope the article might be a teaser for you to find your way to more....

Read : Mira Dessy's book: The Pantry Principle; go to her website Grains and More; read Hungry for Change or watch the engaging and chock-full of helpful tools Hungry for Change video; check out more contemporary sources of valid facts and resources, such as bodyecology.com ;  Dr Mark Hymen's book The Blood Sugar Solution: The UltraHealthy Program for Losing Weight, Preventing Disease, and Feeling Great Now! ; check out Holford and Burne's Food Is Better Medicine Than Drugs; Eating for Beauty by David Wolfe; and so many more ....

And remember... "Processed foods are made for long shelf-life, NOT for long human life!" (Hungry for Change 2012).


Collins Dictionaries (2014). www.collinsdictionary.com

Colquhoun, J. and ten Bosch, L. (2012). Hungry for Change. HarperOne: New York NY.

Dessy, M. (2014). Grains and More website, retrieved from: http://grainsandmore.com/

Dessy, M. (2013). The Pantry Principle. Versadia Press: The Woodlands TX.

Gates, D. (2014). 10 things the processed food industry doesn't want you to know. Retrieved from the Hungry for Change website at: http://www.hungryforchange.tv/article/10-things-the-processed-food-industry-doesnt-want-you-to-know

Holford, P. and Burne, J. (2006). Food is better medicine than drugs. Piatkus Books: London.

Hymen, M. (2012). The Blood Sugar Solution: The UltraHealthy Program for Losing Weight, Preventing Disease, and Feeling Great Now! Little, Brown and Company: New York NY.

Vangness, R.D. (2014). 10 things the processed food industry doesn't want you to know and body ecology's 2 powerful tools to help you fight back. Retrieved from bodyecology's website at: http://bodyecology.com/articles/10-things-processed-food-industry.php#.VIhjdTGsV8E

Waldman, H. (2014). What food manufacturers don't want you to know: The Pantry Principle. Retrieved from the GreenMedInfo website at: http://www.greenmedinfo.com/blog/what-food-manufacturers-don-t-want-you-know-pantry-principle

Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia (2014). Convenience food. Retrieved from: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Convenience_food

Wolfe, D. (2009). Eating for Beauty. North Atlantic: Berkeley CA.

Posted on December 10, 2014 and filed under discussions, information, resources.