Whereas the positive effects look good by themselves! though I would have to read the individual studies to see if I agree with those particular conclusions, some of the positives are self-evident.
Ahh to nap... I nap therefore ....
This one needs no introduction really... who does not want to learn a bit about how to get the most out of your nap?
Hey, who does not want to be armed with a great "excuse" .. I mean! reason, yes, reason for taking a nap!!
Choose Joy Anyway - Julianne Blake
If you are looking for another perspective on your chronic pain or chronic illness, please have a listen to my dear friend, Julianne Blake, speak on Kristen White TV at this link: http://youtu.be/mOeY6r315Eg Dr Julianne Blake is a precious sweet and truly genuine soul who is sharing her expertise from her own experience. Lifetstyle Modification Support will be sharing more and more stories on chronic pain in the next year because I am co-authoring a book, Chronic Pain: Treatment and Its Controversies, with my partner, Barry Jones. A new tab will be added to this website so that readers can easily locate information specific to the dialogue of chronic pain and chronic illness.
O Midwife, Where Art Thou?: Experiencing the Plight of Midwifery Firsthand | Fast Company
80+ Items You Can Compost | Care2 Healthy Living
Here comes Spring! are you outside plunging your hands into the fine black soil as I am? Vitality of your plants, the ability to throw seed into the ground and actually have something green pop back up there, the density of the nutrition level in your grown plants STARTS with healthy soil. How to make healthy soil...? Hrmm... there must be a way. Yes, there are many ways. And this article briefly touches on one very easy obvious way to create rich soil. Make your own compost...from everything you do not use! Life is a circle.... 80+ Items You Can Compost | Care2 Healthy Living.
Bring Health Care Home - NYTimes.com
Core and Center of Community Health
”A society that places a low value on its mothers and the process of birth will suffer an array of negative repercussions for doing so. Good beginnings make a positive difference in the world, so it is worth our while to provide the best possible care for mothers and babies throughout this extraordinarily influential part of life.”-Ina May Gaskin
Birthing is spirituality
Birthing is the most profound initiation to spirituality a woman can have.~Robin Lim
Natural Childbirth
I think one of the best things we could do would be to help women/parents/families discover their own birth power, from within themselves. And to let them know it's always been there, they just needed to tap into it.~Karl Menninger
Mark Hyman, MD: Dinner is a Date With the Doctor: 5 Asian Superfoods
Huffington Post is full of good ideas today on improving your immune health naturally through YUM! foods and simple remedies...... Mark Hyman, MD: Dinner is a Date With the Doctor: 5 Asian Superfoods.
Most doctors don't like prescribing pills
A healthy perspective! Most doctors don't like prescribing pills.
Lawrence Diller, M.D.: The United States of Adderall
May we talk Lifestyle Modification Support for our children? Lawrence Diller, M.D.: The United States of Adderall.
Yes, we may.
Dana Ullman: The Disinformation Campaign Against Homeopathy
As always, Dana has a gift for defining homeopathy to the layman. I encourage the curious and the skeptic alike to give this article some thoughtful attention: Dana Ullman: The Disinformation Campaign Against Homeopathy.
Immune System, Loaded With Remade T-cells, Vanquishes Cancer - NYTimes.com
Some exciting news ... Immune System, Loaded With Remade T-cells, Vanquishes Cancer - NYTimes.com.
Nonpharmaceutical options for hot flashes - JAAPA
Nonpharmaceutical options for hot flashes - JAAPA.
More ideas for menopause....